Saturday, January 10, 2009

So my mom is always telling me I need to write down the funny things my kids say because someday I won't remember. Well the time has come that I realized I have forgotten a LOT! Where has my brain gone? We were watching a home video the other day and it Christmas when Haylie was 2 and Parker was just a few weeks old. Haylie would open a present and yell "OH BALONEY!!" It was so random and funny I was laughing so hard I thought I might wet myself.
Wednesday night Dylan decided he needed to be up most of the night. He kept coming in and complaining his ear hurt. I gave him so Tylenol and put him back to bed only for him to come in again a hour later. I then gave him some tylenol cold and again put him back to bed. He slept a little better from that time on. When he awoke the next morning he was telling me about how his ear hurt last night when he proceeded to tell me that there were "Ants digging tunnels in there" What? "There are ants digging tunnels in there!" Really? "But I knocked them out this morning by smacking my head so it's all ok now"
The imagination of a 3 year amazes me daily!!

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