Monday, January 26, 2009

Bad mother award goes to................ ME

So I won a Bad Mother Award last week. Haylie lost a tooth and the Tooth Fairy forgot to make a visit. OMG you would have thought the world was coming to an end. She was over emotional because Tyler was gone last week and then the Tooth Fairy didn't stop by! Yikes!! Well I kept my cover and came up with a lovely little white lie! Yes I had to fib a little (I'm really sorry God) Luckily she bought it and the Tooth Fairy was able to visit the next day. Although I barely remembered that night too. When I awoke Friday morning at 6:05 I realized that I had forgotten again, but lucky me she is a very sound sleeper and I snuck in and placed the money under her pillow without her even stirring!


Tami said...

Nice save. The tooth fairy that comes here started leaving the money in a cup outside the door (due to many an "Oh *&*$%$" mornings)when I have had to RUN down the hallway before they wake up!

Joellen Armstrong said...

You guys are funny :-) You can laugh at me in 5 years when I'm doing the same thing!!