Sunday, January 3, 2010


As I sit here lazily on a Sunday afternoon, I was thinking about all that has been going on lately and what is to come. I can hardly believe that I only have 16 school days left and then is onto preceptorship and then in just 4.5 months I will (God willing) have LPN behind my name. Praise God for all that he has done to make that possible this last year! Who would have thought that when Tyler came home from work last Feb and called me to tell me that he had been layed off that this is the road that we would have chosen. At first I sre thought we were crazy and that it would never work but God has always provided when we needed it!
We had a great Christmas this year. I love being around family and got to spend time with almost everyone (only Judah was missing) We even got to see my brother and his family from Alaska this year. We met at my parents in Idaho for a few days and had a great time with each other. Just wish it cold have been a little longer.
I also got to have a 9 day break from school! That was an awesome gift! I'm getting burnt out but can see the end so I think I will make it. I also ended up getting a 9 day break from work because we haven't had any patients in ICU for 9 days now. I loved the break even if the paycheck will show it.